Frequently asked questions.

*All website prices include full Support.

We are Very Well Expertise In UX problem-Solving UI design problem solving Landing page design Company Website design Leads Generation Website

General Questions

A website designer is responsible for creating the visual and interactive elements of a website. This includes designing layouts, selecting color schemes, choosing fonts, and creating a user-friendly interface.

Color and font choices depend on the brand, target audience, and overall design goals. Designers often consider the psychology of colors and readability when making these choices.

The design process typically involves understanding client requirements, creating wireframes or mockups, getting client feedback, and then refining the design before handing it off to developers for implementation.

I'll need information about your brand, target audience, project goals, any specific preferences you have, and any existing brand assets or style guidelines.

The number of initial concepts and revisions depends on the project scope. Generally, I provide [1 or 2] initial concepts, and we can discuss the revision process based on your feedback.

I'll conduct research on your brand, its values, and target audience to ensure the design reflects your brand identity. Regular feedback from you is also crucial in achieving this alignment.

Yes, upon project completion and final payment, you will have ownership of the design files. I can provide them in the format you prefer.

But, Same time some files are not provided bcoz working cost based we collaborate more designer so.

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